Where it all began prior to entering the Bachelor of Education Program…
Carly Lorntsen
Bachelor of Education Statement of Intent
Since I was a little girl, I always wondered what profession I would enjoy and be the most successful at. I always looked to my teachers as role models throughout elementary school, high school, and now college. I remember watching my teachers at their desks marking spelling tests, assignments, and more while always thinking that I would love to do that. Most students probably did not think like me in that sense, but I could always see myself in that teacher’s chair doing what they do to help sharpen and enhance the minds of their students.
The most experience that I have with children is spending time with my nieces and nephews through babysitting, but this has taught me how much I love children and enjoy spending time with them while also teaching them how to read and write. I just adore seeing the look on children’s faces when they accomplish something or learn something new which helps mature their minds to a great extent. I also feel as though that children feel comfortable with me and feel like they can express their feelings to me which is a great quality to have in a teacher. For example, a couple of years ago, I attended a local elementary school in Quesnel British Columbia to observe elementary school teachers on the job and how they interact with their students. When I was walking to another class in the hallway, a child approached me that was in trouble with the principal and told me how she was feeling while I listened and attempted to make her feel better while giving her advice. At the end of our brief talk, she asked if I would be an elementary school teacher at her school that year and that made me wonder if I am destined for this profession. I strongly believe that having good listening skills is an incredibly important quality to have in teachers because it can build strong relationships with one’s students which can make them feel more comfortable at school and eager to learn more because they know that they have an understanding teacher.
In conclusion, I do believe that teaching would be a very suiting profession for me. I strongly believe that it would be a dream come true for me since I have been in school for approximately 20 years since I love learning so much and the environment of schools. I also love children and my goal is to be an influential role model for them just like all my teachers have been for me. If I were accepted into the Bachelor of Education program, I would be extremely happy and so excited to begin my future of always being in the classroom.
November 12, 2021: So close to finishing my first semester of the Bachelor of Education Program…
Here I am! Almost finished my first semester of the Bachelor of Education Program that I was accepted into in May of 2021. I still cannot believe that I have made it this far and am getting closer and closer to the career path I always dreamed of. I am so motivated and determined to finish this program strong and also grow as the person I wish to be which is independent, strong, knowledgeable, and confident. I have always struggled with confidence as a student and my family, friends, teachers, and professors have always told me that I should be more confident. I would say that this is my biggest weakness as a student and person but I am working on it everyday and feel as though that this program will strengthen my confidence to a great extent. I want to be the best I can possibly be for my future elementary school students. I am extremely driven, determined, academically inclined, and always courageous in my studies and I will continue to be this way moving forward.

January 23, 2022
My time in the Bachelor of Education program has already been a journey and a half to say the least. I will be starting my experiential practicum very soon and found out that I was placed in a Kindergarten classroom helping teach alongside my coaching teacher. If you would have told me back in 2002 when that little girl in the picture finished Kindergarten that I would be placed in a Kindergarten classroom twenty years later in my three week practicum for my Bachelor of Education degree, I never would have believed you. I am extremely excited, yet a little nervous of course! But I am SO ready and VERY grateful for this amazing opportunity and learning experience. My goal is to recognize that I am just at the beginning stages and to not expect perfection and be EASY on myself as becoming an effective teacher takes time. All that matters is the children in that classroom and that they know that I care for them and all their needs. Very anxious, excited, and happy to get started in this experiential practicum beginning February 22, 2022.
April 2, 2023,
I am so close to finishing and completing my Bachelor of Education Degree, and it makes me truly proud of how far I have come in pushing myself to never give up on my dreams. I particularly love the quote that states, “make the little girl you used to be, proud of the woman you are now” as it definitely pertains to my life…..