Educators engage in professional learning.
On November 25 2022, I was granted the opportunity to attend the Non-Instructional Circle of Courage Day event at my old local high school. I was granted the experience of listening to Kevin Lamoureux present his expertise regarding Indigenous approaches to spiritual and mental health that solely benefits all students and addresses the TRC Calls to Action as he referenced his phenomenal book Ensouling Our Schools: A Universally Designed Framework for Mental Health, Well-being, And Reconciliation. Kevin Lamoureux’s speech about the Circle of Courage model was highly inspirational as he explored the need for a sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity to ensure positive youth development. Afterwards, I attended a Circle of Courage workshop that was hosted by Doreen L’Hirondelle as it focused on Indigenous culture and the meaning behind the four concepts of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. I shared the circle with various educators and had the opportunity to watch videos and discuss our thoughts about the core symbolism of the Circle of Courage. For myself, this day of professional learning helped solidify my drive and passion to becoming a teacher.