I was granted the opportunity to spend my four week Education 490 practicum in my childhood elementary school, that I attended from kindergarten to grade seven. It was a surreal feeling to have the experience to teach where I went to school! I never would have imagined back then, that I would be where I am now.
This page will be dedicated to sharing some photographs from my four week practicum that I got to spend with the most amazing grade 3/4 students and coaching teacher that were so incredibly kind, patient, and willing to have me learn and grow as a student teacher/soon to be educator!
I taught a unit on Poetry in which students had the opportunity to learn all about haikus and cinquain poems. Students loved the idea of the syllable count in each type of poem and the action of clapping as they created their poems. As we finished our unit, I had students create their own “Poetry Art” where they chose their favorite haiku or cinquain poem that they wrote, wrote it on a good copy template, glued it on their favorite color construction paper and designed it in any way they wish! These are displayed in the hallway of the school on a bulletin board.All of my practicum students hold a special place in my heart and I will miss them dearly. Here is a letter from one of them that shared their love for being taught poetry by me and how it was his favorite activity. It felt rewarding to recognize that one of my passions had an impact on a student.I used cross curricular methods to incorporate art into my poetry unit in which students had the opportunity to create reindeer Christmas greeting cards for their loved ones in which they wrote a Christmas haiku poem inside. Students loved this activity.I am a big fan of creating my own anchor charts to help students strengthen their understanding of the concepts I teach and something that they can have to reference to in the future in their classroom. This anchor chart was for a lesson I taught on similes to help their creativity skills in their writing. It was so neat to see my practicum students “unwrap their Christmas stories” that they wrote in the hallway of the school on a bulletin board. As they unwrapped their Christmas story, they read their story aloud to the class.Here are more anchor charts that I created for my practicum students as I taught a unit on Biodiversity in Science! Having a vocabulary word wall and a colorful, eye-catching food chain example helped students understand the difference in animals and their diets. I felt comfort in knowing that my self-made anchor charts were making a difference in my practicum students’ learning!At the end of my Biodiversity unit in Science, I gave students the opportunity to research an animal of their choice and present their findings to the class through a google slides slideshow presentation when they were finished their project. This ranged from looking at an animals’ physical characteristics, habitat, diet, survival adaptations, predators, and three of their favorite facts that they found on their animal.One of my practicum students gave this to me, halfway through my practicum. Something as small as this, is actually so big in that it made me recognize that I am making a difference! This is when I recognized how rewarding a career in Education is! After an emotional last day of practicum, I wrote this little message on the white board for students to see when they come back Monday morning to show my appreciation!My practicum students gifted me with this book that included signatures with sweet messages from each student. Additionally, my coaching teacher and students gifted me with my very own bell for a future classroom. It was very special!
December 3, 2022 Tribute to my Grandfather
Those who know me, know that I am a very sentimental and spiritual person. Today marks 3 years since I lost my Grandpa. He was always one of my biggest supporters with my education, and had a heart of gold. More and more, when I go back to think of those who inspired me the most, I think of my grandfather. I wish I could call him today, and tell him about everything and how I feel like I am doing exactly what I need to be doing in life. Whenever I had a formal observation to do in my practicum, I thought of him and how he would always assure me that everything would be okay and that I can in fact do anything I set my mind to! I am one step closer to becoming a teacher, just like we always talked about… Thinking of you today and always, Grampee (this is the name I always called him).